As I've been preparing for my mission, I've been really reflecting on amazing women I can look up to. Of course one of the most amazing women that I personally know in my life is my Mother. I don't know where I would be without her. She's been my inspiration and I hope I can be at least half the woman she is. I miss her deeply, and I'm looking forward to the time that I get to spend with her when I get home for the holidays. In the Scriptures, and throughout all of Church history, there are many women that we can all look up to. I'm so grateful for each and every single one of them. Esther, Eve, Sariah, Mary, and so many others! They did so much for us. One of my absolute favorite women in church history is none other, than Emma Smith.
This song is one of my very favorite church songs, ever! I remember the first time I heard this song, I was at a Joseph Smith Tribute concert. Ever since then, I have loved this song. To reflect on all that Emma went through, is amazing. She's such an inspiring woman. I cannot believe all that she went through and she was so strong throughout the entire thing! I think often times Emma Smith is overlooked or downplayed in the role she played in the restoration. This song gives me chills as I think of all the things she had to endure. I know that she is a great example to me as what a righteous woman should be.
Listen, it won't be a waste of time, I can guarantee it.
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