Monday, March 30, 2015

1 Week…. 5 Baptisms!!

First of all, I would like to Welcome the newest members of the Los Angeles Ward…
Familia Basauri Leyva!   
Familia Basauri Leyva
It was such an amazing week this week. We were able to see Hermano Martin y Hermana Pilar get married and then afterwards we were able to see their entire family get baptized Saturday afternoon.  It was AMAZING!!!!!!  Everyone in our Zone keeps congratulating my companion and I because in 1 month, Hermana Valdez and I had 8 baptisms.  Hermana Valdez is an amazingly wonderful missionary and I couldn’t be happier to work with such an awesome missionary.  Also, Hermana Valdez sends her love to everyone!
The Happy Couple!
After the Matrimonio Masivo
This week I was truly grateful for the help of our Relief Society in our Ward. Last Sunday, my companion and I were talking with our Relief Society President, asking for advice on a little reception that we could put together for Martin y Pilar and she told us, leave it to me. She planned everything! And on Friday night, we were able to have not only a little reception but a HUGE reception where everyone in our Ward came. It was amazing! Everyone danced, and I just took a million pictures. Sorry, I can't attach all of the pictures. I guess you'll have to wait until I return. Sorry!
My Cute Companion!  I Love this Girl!!!
I know I say this every week but it couldn't be more true. I LOVE being a missionary. This past year of my life has been the greatest year of my life and I couldn't be more grateful to my Heavenly Father for this opportunity that I have. I love this gospel more than anything and I KNOW that this is the only true Church of God.
Family History!
My "Mom" in the Mission (my trainer) and my "Daughter" (my trainee)
Quiero terminar con mi testimonio... Quiero testificar que yo se que la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias es la única iglesia verdadera sobre la faz de la tierra y gracias a un joven llamado Jose Smith tenemos la iglesia restaurada aqui en la tierra. Yo se sin duda en mi corazon que el Libro de Mormon es la palabra de Dios y como dice en la introducción contiene la plenitud del evangelio eterno. Quiero testificar que yo se que Jesucristo vive y el es mi salvador y redentor. El murió por cada uno de nosotros y el nos ama inmensamente! Se que Dios es nuestro amoroso Padre Celestial y esto es su obra. Estoy tan agradecida a mi Padre Celestial por darme la oportunidad de servirle e invitar a mis hermanos y hermanas a regresar a su redil. Dejo esto en el sagrado nombre de mi Salvador y mi Redentor, Jesucristo, Amen.  

Con mucho amor,
Herm'ANNA' Karratti
Predicando en Perú

Monday, March 23, 2015

1 AÑO!!!!!!

Buenos Dias a todos!
Wow, can you believe it?  I have been a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for on whole year!  And, it’s been the greatest year of my life and I couldn’t be happier!  I LOVE being a missionary!!
Weekly Planning Session with Hermana Karratti and Hermana Valdez
But first... Let's take a Selfie!
Well, this past week was truly a hectic week, but a week full, not only full, jam-packed with miracles! Like I said last week, my companion and I are helping some of our investigators prepare for their wedding and their baptism. 5 baptisms! Woo!! So this week we've been running around like crazy getting everything ready. Because, to get married in Peru, it's very complicated and that's why many couples just don't. When a couple wants to "tie the knot" there are a million and one documents to fill, blood tests, and a lot of money. Usually this whole process takes months! But thanks to the miracles of our loving Heavenly Father, we were able to complete it all in 3 days. Last Saturday (14th of March) we received a call from our Zone Leaders telling us that the documents for Hermana Pilar hadn't arrived yet, and they wouldn't be able to be married on the 27th. Hermana Valdez and I were in tears! We knew how important this wedding was for Martin y Pilar. So, after ending the call, my comp and I said a prayer and we both felt that there was still a chance. So, we began calling everyone we knew asking for help. Because Hermana Pilars documents were in Trujillo which is about 6-7 hours away from Lima and we needed them in Lima by Monday morning. So all Saturday night we called and finally by Sunday we found a way to get the documents to Lima. MIRACLE!! My comp and I were thrilled! So, Monday, after internet, we received a call from one of the Elders in the Mission Office saying that the documents had arrived and that we needed to go to the center of Luma to pick them up and complete the other documents. So, we left. My companion and I, Hermana Pilar and our Zone Leaders. When we arrived, everything seemed to be going well. We were at the offices with what we thought were all the paper-work but when we went up to the lady to hand everything in, there were some parts missing. Again, my comp and I were told that the couple couldn't get married. We left the office and right as we walked out, the Elder who had called us earlier came running up to us, "I forgot to give you these papers. Sorry!”  In his hands were the papers that we had been missing. MIRACLE! From there we ran over to another office to certify them and when we had returned to the previous office it was 4:05 pm and they were closed. We were all sitting outside not knowing what we should do. We were told if we didn't hand everything in by Monday there went our chance. My comp started offering a prayer and when she finished the same lady who had helped us walked out. She looked a bit shocked, "Do you need something?" We explained to her that we had all the paper-work, certified, and everything but since the offices were closed we didn't know what we could do. She asked to see what we had, and then she told us, "If you are here tomorrow at 8 am with all these papers, I'll help you and we'll get this couple married." MIRACLE!!! Tuesday we were able to finish all the paper work and now we will have a wedding on Friday!! And on Saturday, their baptism! God loves his missionaries!!
My Companion and I in a Moto Taxi
I couldn't be more happy to be a missionary working in his service. I know this church is true and I couldn't be happier to be serving. I love and miss you all!

Have a wonderful week!!

Con mucho amor,
Herm'ANNA' Karratti
Predicando en Perú

Monday, March 16, 2015

Busy Busy Week!

First of all, I want to apologize for last week.
It was so rushed and I feel bad for that… Please forgive me!  But, this last week was certainly a handful, but I honestly couldn’t be happier!  Last night while I was writing in my journal, I remembered something crazy!  One year ago today, I was giving my farewell talk in church.  Crazy to see how much has happened in one short year.  This coming week I’ll finish 1 year as a missionary!  Time is flying way too fast.
SELFIE ... My Cute Companion and I
Well, this last week wasn't a week of a lot of picture taking, again I'm sorry, But I'll explain why. We've been teaching a family Martin y Pilar and they want to be baptized! WOO! But, they're not married. Well, it's very common here in Peru. Many families aren't married, they just live together. They have a family, kids, but aren't married. Well, the mission helps a lot! Almost every month we have a "Matrimonio Masivo" which is a huge wedding where a bunch of couples can get married at the same time and it's a lot cheaper than a normal wedding. Well, we're helping Martin y Pilar prepare for this on the 27th of March. So, this week my companion and I have been running around like crazy trying to get everything in order. But, it's all good! If everything goes through like we hope and pray, they will be baptized the day after, the 28th of March! Them and their family. There are 5 of them. Hermana Valdez and I are soo excited for them! Please keep them in your prayers! 
Two Elders in my District, Hermana Valdez and Me
Last thing, to make last week even more eventful and jam-packed, my companion had immigration's. So, I went to another area to work for the day. And this is the best part... guess where I went? I was able to work in Carabayllo! My first area!  I was so happy. I was able to see a few of the members. Everyone was surprised at my language and how much better it's gotten. But, I was so happy to see them again and be in that area.
New Living Quarters
Feels like a Sauna Inside!  So Hot!
Mainly that has been our entire week! Pretty crazy! But we're both happy and healthy. I couldn't be happier to be working and serving my Lord and Savior. I hope this finds you all well and happy! Have a wonderful week and know you're always in my thoughts and prayers! 

Love and miss you ALL!!!

Con mucho amor,
Herm'ANNA' Karratti
Predicando en Perú

Monday, March 9, 2015

New Transfer

This past weekend was seriously the BEST!  My comp and I were able to see 3 of our investigators get baptized this past weekend!  It was so amazing and I couldn’t be happier working in the Lord’s work.
My Cute Daughter, Hermana Valdez
Luciana Key Robles Aroujo our little girl was baptized this past Friday and it was an amazing service! Her father who had been a less active was able to recieve the Priesthood so that he could baptize his daughter. The baptism coudn't have been anymore special! It was Lucianas 9th birthday so it made the night even more special. Luciana reminds me a lot of my niece, Kendra and everytime I'm with her I just think of my niece. Luciana always tells me that when I go back home I'm going to find her in my suitcase. She's the cutest! 
Luciana, her father Luis, and the Missionaries
Saturday was another one of the greatest! Paulino y Francisca were baptized. Hermana Francisca was moer excited to recieve the Holy Ghost than to be baptized. During the whole service she was asking about the Holy Ghost. But yesterday she was running into church so that she could sit on the first row to recieve the Holy Ghost. SUCH A CUTIE!!!! I was so happy. 
Paulino y Francisca
Sorry this letter is so short this week. I was too busy this week chatting with my Mom. But everything is going great in the work and I couldn't be happier! I love the work and I love serving! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Con mucho amor,
Herm'ANNA' Karratti
Predicando en Perú

Monday, March 2, 2015

Looking Forward to Another Great Week!!!

Good Morning to everyone! 
I hope and pray that this finds you all well and happy! This week was great, but this upcoming week! Hard work really pays off! My companion, Hermana Valdez and I have been working so hard! And we're very excited for this week because we will be having 3 baptisms! WOO-HOO!! We're so excited! First of all we'll have Luciana who will be getting baptized on her birthday this Friday. Her family have been less-active for years but thanks to her willingness to be baptized, they have re-activated in the church and we're so happy. And on Saturday, we'll have Paulino and Francisca, our little "abuelitos" they're the cutest couple and they have such a desire to be closer to God.
Lunch with Hermana Stephanie ... She's Wonderful!
My companion, Hermana Valdez, is in sunglasses due to a bug bite and her eye was swollen.  Poor girl!
Well, I'll have so much to tell you next week, but this past week was also great! My Ward had a HUGE Talent Show this past Friday which was awesome! We even had Hermano Miguel (my ward mission leader from Canto Rey) come and help out! It was the greatest. On Friday, my companion and I were setting up the chairs for the activity and we received a text from Hermano Miguel saying that he couldn't come, he said that he was on the other side of Lima and it would take hours to be there. Needless to say we were all very sad because we had told everyone that they're would be a show and a clown and all the members were very excited. My companion and I were in shock.... What do we do? Well, 2 minutes later we receive a call from Hermano Miguel apologizing, saying that he feels terrible for not being able to come. I told him it's okay, we'll find a solution. He said, forgive me Hermana Karratti. We ended the call, and my companion and I walked out front of the church, we opened the gate so that members could start walking in, and guess who walked up... Hermano Miguel! I was shocked! He said, "Hermana, with everything that you've done for me, there is no way I wouldn't do this for you." I was so happy! Hermano Miguel truly is the greatest. I wish you all could meet him, because he is one of a kind!
Talent Show with Hermano Miguel!
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week! Keep the missionaries in your prayers. I love and miss you all soo much!

Con mucho amor,
Herm'ANNA' Karratti
Predicando en Perú